November 27, 2024
Our program has received an influx of clients looking to enter detox. In the past 2 months, Josh and I have been able to assist 7 different clients with getting into a detox/rehab facility. One of the clients we assisted had never been into treatment before, so she was very anxious and hesitant going into it. Her and I sat together and began to call the Access Line to see if beds were available for her. After several hours, we were informed that there was an issue with her insurance where she was deemed ineligible for Husky Insurance. Luckily, after a few phone calls, we were able to get to the bottom of the issue with her insurance. This entire process took place over 3 days and each day was tougher than the last regarding this client's state of mind, feeling towards treatment, and overall health. Currently, she is still in treatment and is thriving there! Once she has completed her program, she will be able to move into her new apartment. As of November 1st, we had 41 clients on our caseload. Out of those 41, we have 22 clients who are matched to a housing voucher or are next in line to be matched. This is very important to note because this allows us to focus more on those individuals who have no documentation at all or those who need a more hands-on level of care. We are hopeful that we can see a quick turn around for our folks who have housing vouchers with this frigid winter coming very soon.